samedi 31 janvier 2015

Do you think smoking weed is worse than smoking cigarettes

Do you think smoking weed is worse than smoking cigarettes I was married to a man who smoked pot every morning and evening for five years on his way to and from work (I wouldn allow it in my house - hate the stuff.) We divorced after 5 years because he couldn keep track of a conversation. A very intelligent man became a blithering idiot in a very short time. He simply could not think. The blank,Newport Cigarettes Coupons, clueless look constantly on his face broke my heart. I couldn live with that. I don think either cigarettes or pot are good for you - but this is my experience with weed. if they would use recent test facts about marijuana instead of the ones from the 60s wen pot contained 2% THC you would see why its bad for you. the pot tht you can get on the streets now is 5 to 10 times as potent as it was back then so of course it would be worse for you now. but overall cigs are way worse bc they contain muti chemicals that kill like carbon monoxide,Cheap Newport Cigarettes, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and other toxic irritants such as acrolein and formaldehyde. pot does not stimulate your brain it slows your brain cells down it makes it to where u cant retain information tht well. THC sticks to fat and wht contains the most fat? cell walls are 99% fat so wht does this mean. it means one cell is slowed down so cant do its job and turn on another cell which makes you retain knowledge. pots in the long run is better. absolutly not. cigarettes are grown using radioactive fertalizer and kills over four hundred thousand people a year in the united states alone. one and six americans are said to use or have used pot in their life time. that 50 million americans. and in its ten thousand years of know use pot has never killed anyone. there are also no reports or pot only users getting lung cancer. so why is it illegal? because the united states government is getting paid a huge amount of money from tobacco,Cheap Marlboro Gold Shorts, pharmasutical, and alcohol companys to keep it that way. dont beleive all government propaganda and dont beleive any of it about pot. they lie to make money trsut me. but dont take my word for it. i recomend watching the documentary The Union : the business behind getting high if you wish to learn more about pot and why it is illegal and why prohibition doesnt work

Do you think smoking weed is worse than smoking cigarettes

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