dimanche 21 septembre 2014

Any ideas?

Sometimes I think we should have a sub-forum for "pets"...

Anyway, I have a new dog, that I brought home exactly 3 weeks ago. Since the day I brought her home, she has chewed on her front legs, intently, as though she is after bugs. She was vetted before I got her, and nothing was noted about this issue.

For several reasons, I won't be able to get her in to our vet until Sat (9/27). Meanwhile, I've bathed her, cleaned our carpet, washed all of the dogs' bedding and my bedding.

Other dog is also scratching, but I can't find any fleas or flea dirt on either of them. Vets office had said to try Capstar, which I gave to both of them late in the afternoon yesterday, and if it worked we'd know we were dealing with fleas. Um, NO, they both scratched all night long, and right now new girl is going at her legs again!

Any other ideas? I'm in California, and it has been exceedingly dry; I haven't seen a mosquito in many months, doesn't seem to be fleas (they usually leave evidence)-- ??

Any ideas?

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