mercredi 27 août 2014

Applying for internal position

Hi, folks: I've been working in a library at my alma mater for the past couple of years. I thought for a long time that I wanted to become a librarian, and this job was a way for me to test the waters, get experience, etc. However, I have changed my mind. While the salary is OK (just), and the position is probably what people would call low-stress, I've been thinking of leaving for a while now, for various reasons. One of which is the hours I work. It's a little complicated to explain, but I end up using a lot of my vacation time to "make up for" days when the library is closed. For e.g., we'll be closed Labor Day weekend, and b/c I usually work Sundays, I will be scheduled for the next four days on, with only one day off for a weekend, unless I use a vacation day for a two-day weekend (if you can follow that). Also, I am not very happy with a co-worker who is a problem, I'm bored most of the time, there's no room for advancement, and my shift is such that I have no social life.

That said, a job opened up internally, in another department. I have the skills and background to do the job. I've even worked in that field before, and it is related to my BA. I pretty much did the job for a number of years at my former employer. However, it was a bad fit. Mostly because of the people in the department and the culture of the college (it was academic public relations).

I'm pretty comfortable here at my alma mater, and I have a friend in the dept. where the opening is. One of my concerns is that I may find the job stressful, as it deals with a lot of deadlines. However, as I said, I've done this before (I was a news reporter, too, and deadlines were never a problem). This job is more in line with a "career" than the one I have now. In fact, I have often wondered how I would ever explain to an interviewer what the heck I was doing in a library when I have more than 10 years of writing experience and I have a BA in English.

More concerns:

1. Do I tell my boss I am applying for this job? I hesitate because if I do, he'll know I'm not really dedicated to the job I have, and may think "oh, it's only a matter of time till she leaves. She'll always have a roving eye." Last year, I applied for a job w/in the library, and decided not to take it. So this is two job applications in two years.

2. I need to have three references. Who should I list as a reference? I am friendly with one of the librarians here, but again, I'm not sure I want it bandied about that I'm not into the job I have. But wouldn't it look weird if I *didn't* list at least *someone* from the library?

3. Am I more or less obligated to take the job if they offer it to me? Would I look like I was jerking people around if I didn't take the job?

Thank you, folks!

Applying for internal position

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